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Video Karaoke Little Toy Guns - Carrie Underwood

Este tema es una versión de Little Toy Guns, que popularizó Carrie Underwood

Formatos disponibles:


El formato CDG (también llamado CD+G o MP3+G) es compatible con la mayoría de los reproductores de karaoke. Incluye un archivo MP3 y la letra sincronizada (Versión Karaoke solo vende archivos digitales (MP3+G) y NO recibirás un CD).

Los archivos MP4 pueden reproducirse en MAC OS X y Windows 7 de manera predeterminada.
Si tienes Windows XP o Vista, puedes utilizar Windows Media Player 12.

Este formato es compatible con el KaraFun Windows Player, un programa de karaoke gratuito. Te permite activar o desactivar los coros y la voz principal, además de cambiar el tono o el tempo.

Con tu compra podrás descargar el vídeo tantas veces como quieras en todos estos formatos.

Acerca de

Con coros (con o sin voces en la versión KFN)

Mismo tempo que el original: 162 BPM

Tonalidad idéntica al original: MIm

Duración: 03:32 - Escuchar en: 00:53

Fecha de publicación: 2014
Géneros: Country, Pop, Rock, En inglés
Compositor original: Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, Christopher Michael De Stefano

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Letra Little Toy Guns

In between the coats in the closet
She held onto that heart-shaped locket
Staring at a family flawless but it ain't a pretty picture tonight
Mom and daddy just won't stop it fighting at the drop of a faucet
Cuts through the walls catastrophic she's caught in the crossfire
Puts her hands over her ears starts talking through the tears
And she's saying
And she's praying
I wish words were like little toy guns no sting, no hurting no one
Just a bang bang rolling off your tongue
Yeah, no smoke, no bullets no kick from the trigger when you pull it no pain, no damage done
And just a bang bang rolling off your tongue
Wish there was a white flag waving
Or that they were both just faking
And it was just a game they were playing like shoot 'em up cowboys
Leave the plastic pistols in the front yard
Throw away the scorecard and just turn off all the noise
I wish words were like little toy guns no sting, no hurting no one
Just a bang bang rolling off your tongue
Yeah, no smoke, no bullets no kick from the trigger when you pull it no pain, no damage done
And just a bang bang rolling off your tongue toy guns
Oh, I wish they didn't cut like a knife
I wish they didn't break you inside
I wish they didn't bang bang make you wanna run
Like little toy guns
No sting, no hurting no one
Just a bang bang rolling off your tongue
Yeah hey
No smoke, no bullets no shot from the trigger when you pull it no pain, no damage done
And just a bang bang rolling off your tongue
Toy guns
Oh, like little toy guns

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