Video Karaoke Gus the Theatre Cat - Cats (musical)

Este tema es una versión de Gus the Theatre Cat, que popularizó Cats (musical)

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El formato CDG (también llamado CD+G o MP3+G) es compatible con la mayoría de los reproductores de karaoke. Incluye un archivo MP3 y la letra sincronizada (Versión Karaoke solo vende archivos digitales (MP3+G) y NO recibirás un CD).

Los archivos MP4 pueden reproducirse en MAC OS X y Windows 7 de manera predeterminada.
Si tienes Windows XP o Vista, puedes utilizar Windows Media Player 12.

Este formato es compatible con el KaraFun Windows Player, un programa de karaoke gratuito. Te permite activar o desactivar los coros y la voz principal, además de cambiar el tono o el tempo.

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Acerca de

Mismo tempo que el original: varía durante la canción

Tonalidad idéntica al original: RE

La canción empieza a capella

Duración: 05:56 - Escuchar en: 01:56

Fecha de publicación: 1982
Géneros: Comedia musical, En inglés
Autor: Thomas Stearns Eliot
Compositor: Andrew Lloyd Webber

Todos los archivos disponibles para descargar son pistas reproducidas, no es la música original.

Letra Gus the Theatre Cat

Gus is the Cat at the theatre Door
His name as I ought to have told you before
Is really Asparagus but that's such a fuss
To pronounce that we usually call him just Gus
His coat's very shabby he's thin as a rake
And he suffers from palsy that makes his paw shake
Yet he was in his youth quite the smartest of cats
But no longer a terror to mice or to rats
For he isn't the cat that he was in his prime
Though his name was quite famous
He says in his time and whenever he joins his friends at their club
Which takes place at the back of the neighbouring pub
He loves to regale them if someone else pays
With anecdotes drawn from his palmiest days
For he once was a star of the highest degree
He has acted with irving he's acted with Tree
And he likes to relate his success on the halls
Where the gallery once gave him seven catcalls
But his grandest creation as he loves to tell
Was firefrorefiddle the Fiend of the Fell
I have played in my time every possible part
And I used to know seventy speeches by heart
I'd extemporize backchat
I knew how to gag
And I knew how to let the cat out of the bag
I knew how to act with my back and my tail
With an hour of rehearsal
I never could fail
I'd a voice that would soften the hardest of hearts
Whether I took the lead or in character parts
I have sat by the bedside of poor little Nell
When the curfew was rung then
I swung on the bell
In the pantomime season
I never fell flat
And I once understudied
Dick Whittington's cat
But my grandest creation
As history will tell
Was firefrorefiddle the Fiend of the Fell
And if someone will give him a toothful of gin
He will tell how he once played a part in East Lynne
At a Shakespeare performance he once walked on pat
When some actor suggested the need for a cat
And I say now these kittens they do not get trained
As we did in the days when Victoria reigned
And they never get drilled in a regular troupe
And they think they are smart just to jump through a hoop
And he says as he scratches himself with his claws
Well the theatre is certainly not what it was
These modern productions are all very well
But there's nothing to equal from what I hear tell
That moment of mystery when I made history
As firefrorefiddle the Fiend of the Fell

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