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Video Karaoke I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home - David Frizzell

Este tema es una versión de I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home, que popularizó David Frizzell

Formatos disponibles:


El formato CDG (también llamado CD+G o MP3+G) es compatible con la mayoría de los reproductores de karaoke. Incluye un archivo MP3 y la letra sincronizada (Versión Karaoke solo vende archivos digitales (MP3+G) y NO recibirás un CD).

Los archivos MP4 pueden reproducirse en MAC OS X y Windows 7 de manera predeterminada.
Si tienes Windows XP o Vista, puedes utilizar Windows Media Player 12.

Este formato es compatible con el KaraFun Windows Player, un programa de karaoke gratuito. Te permite activar o desactivar los coros y la voz principal, además de cambiar el tono o el tempo.

Con tu compra podrás descargar el vídeo tantas veces como quieras en todos estos formatos.

Acerca de

Con coros (con o sin voces en la versión KFN)

Tempo: variable (alrededor de 81 BPM)

Tonalidad idéntica al original: DO, RE, MI, FA♯

La canción empieza a capella

Duración: 04:13 - Escuchar en: 01:34

Fecha de publicación: 1982
Géneros: Country, En inglés
Compositor original: Dewayne Blackwell

Todo el contenido de nuestro sitio web es reproducido íntegramente por nuestros músicos en el estudio. No utilizamos ninguna parte de las grabaciones originales ni hacemos uso de tecnología de separación de stems con IA de ninguna manera.

Letra I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home

I came crawling home last night like many nights before
I finally made it to my feet as she opened up the door
And she said you're not gonna do this anymore
She said I'm gonna hire a wino to decorate our home
So you'll feel more at ease here and you won't have to roam
We'll take out the dining room table
And put a bar along that wall
And a neon sign to point the way to our bathroom down the hall
She said just bring your Friday paycheck and I'll cash them all right here
And I'll keep on tap for all your friends their favorite kinds of beer
And for you I'll always keep in stock those soft aluminum cans
And when you're feeling macho you can crush them like a man
She said we'll rip out all the carpet and put sawdust on the floor
Serve hard boiled eggs and pretzels and I won't cook no more
There'll be Monday night football on TV above the bar
And a pay phone in the hallway when your friends can't find their car
She said I'm gonna hire a wino to decorate our home
So you'll feel more at ease here and you won't have to roam
We'll take out the dining room table
And put a bar along that wall
And a neon sign to point the way to our bathroom down the hall
She said you'll get friendly service and for added atmosphere
I'll slip on something sexy and I'll cut it clear to here
Then you can slap my bottom every time you tell a joke
Just as long as you keep tipping well I'll laugh until you're broke
She said instead of family quarrels we'll have a bar-room brawl
When the Ham's bear say's it's closing time you won't have far to crawl
And when you run out of money you'll have me to thank
You can sleep it off next morning when I'm putting it in the bank
She said I'm gonna hire a wino to decorate our home
So you'll feel more at ease here and you won't have to roam
Then when you and your friends get off from work and you have a powerful thirst
Well there won't be any reason why you can't stop off here first
She said I'm gonna' hire a wino to decorate our home
So you'll feel more at ease here and you won't need to roam
We'll take out the dining room table and put a bar along that wall
And a neon sign to point the way to our bathroom down the hall
She said I'm gonna' hire a wino to decorate our home
So you'll feel more at ease here and you won't need to roam
We'll take out the dining room table and put a bar along that wall
And a neon sign to point the way to our bathroom down the hall

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