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Video Karaoke Me and My Shadow - Robbie Williams & Jonathan Wilkes

Este tema es una versión de Me and My Shadow, que popularizó Robbie Williams

Formatos disponibles:


El formato CDG (también llamado CD+G o MP3+G) es compatible con la mayoría de los reproductores de karaoke. Incluye un archivo MP3 y la letra sincronizada (Versión Karaoke solo vende archivos digitales (MP3+G) y NO recibirás un CD).

Los archivos MP4 pueden reproducirse en MAC OS X y Windows 7 de manera predeterminada.
Si tienes Windows XP o Vista, puedes utilizar Windows Media Player 12.

Este formato es compatible con el KaraFun Windows Player, un programa de karaoke gratuito. Te permite activar o desactivar los coros y la voz principal, además de cambiar el tono o el tempo.

Con tu compra podrás descargar el vídeo tantas veces como quieras en todos estos formatos.

Acerca de

Tempo: variable (alrededor de 109 BPM)

Tonalidad idéntica al original: MI♭

La canción empieza a capella

Duración: 03:18 - Escuchar en: 01:41

Fecha de publicación: 2001
Géneros: Jazz, En inglés
Autor: Billy Rose
Compositores: Dave Dreyer, Al Jolson

Todo el contenido de nuestro sitio web es reproducido íntegramente por nuestros músicos en el estudio. No utilizamos ninguna parte de las grabaciones originales ni hacemos uso de tecnología de separación de stems con IA de ninguna manera.

Letra Me and My Shadow

Johnny and Robbie
Youth why you talking like that we're from Stoke?
I I dunno but I can't stop here pally
Hee hee hee ah ah
Like the wallpaper sticks to the wall
Like the seashore clings to the sea
Like you'll never get rid of your shadow
You'll never get rid of me
Let all the others
Let all the others fight and fuss fight and fuss
Whatever happens
Whatever happens we've got us we've got us
Closer than pages that stick in a book and my
We're closer than ripples
Shadow that flow in a brook strolling down the avenue
Wherever you find him you'll find me just look
Closer than a miser or
Oh oh oh oh the bloodhounds to Liza
Me and my shadow
Closer than smog is to all of L.A.
Closer than Ricky to confessing he's gay
Not a soul can bust
Not a soul can bust this team in two this team in two
We stick together like glue
We stick together like glue ah ah ah ah
And when it's sleeping time
That's when we rise
We start to swing
You think you're so jazz you ah ah ah ah clocks don't chime
What a surprise
And they ring a ding ding
And they ring a ding ding happy new year happy new year
And now to repeat what
I said at the start and my shadow
They'll need a large crowbar to break us apart
We're alone but far from blue
We're alone but far from blue
Oh oh
Oh oh oh
Before we get finished
Before we get finished we'll make the town roar we'll make the town roar
We'll hit a few late spots
We'll hit a few late spots and then a few more and then a few more
We'll start up at Stringy's
We'll start up at Stringy's and maybe Groucho's and maybe Groucho's
Life is gonna be
Life is gonna be wow wow wee wow wow wee
For my
For my shadow and me shadow and me
Ooh ooh youth that was ace
Can we do that again?
Oh no I'm too tired
Oh please Rob
No I'm swung out
Oh come on I'll I'll
I'll give you some money
I don't need money
What 'bout a cup of tea? not thirsty
I'll won't tell anybody you're gay
Ah ah ah ah
Before we get finished
Before we get finished we'll make the town roar we'll make the town roar, roar
We'll hit all the late spots
We'll hit all the late spots and then a few more and then a few more
We'll start up at Stringy's
We'll start up at Stringy's and maybe Groucho's and maybe Groucho's
Life is gonna be
Life is gonna be wow wow wee wow wow wee
For my shadow and me
For my shadow and me yeah yeah

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