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Video Karaoke Hello! - The Book of Mormon

Este tema es una versión de Hello!, que popularizó The Book of Mormon

Formatos disponibles:


El formato CDG (también llamado CD+G o MP3+G) es compatible con la mayoría de los reproductores de karaoke. Incluye un archivo MP3 y la letra sincronizada (Versión Karaoke solo vende archivos digitales (MP3+G) y NO recibirás un CD).

Los archivos MP4 pueden reproducirse en MAC OS X y Windows 7 de manera predeterminada.
Si tienes Windows XP o Vista, puedes utilizar Windows Media Player 12.

Este formato es compatible con el KaraFun Windows Player, un programa de karaoke gratuito. Te permite activar o desactivar los coros y la voz principal, además de cambiar el tono o el tempo.

Con tu compra podrás descargar el vídeo tantas veces como quieras en todos estos formatos.

Acerca de

Con coros (con o sin voces en la versión KFN)

Tempo: variable (alrededor de 131 BPM)

Tonalidad idéntica al original: DO, RE♭

Duración: 02:52 - Escuchar en: 01:52

Fecha de publicación: 2011
Géneros: Comedia musical, Humor, En inglés
Autores: Robert Joseph Lopez, Matthew E Stone, Trey Parker
Compositor original: Jeff Marx

Todo el contenido de nuestro sitio web es reproducido íntegramente por nuestros músicos en el estudio. No utilizamos ninguna parte de las grabaciones originales ni hacemos uso de tecnología de separación de stems con IA de ninguna manera.

Letra Hello!

Hello my name is Elder Price
And I would like to share with you the most amazing book
Hello my name is Elder Grant
It's a book about America a long long time ago
It has so many awesome parts you simply won't believe
How much this book can change your life
Hello my name is Elder Green
I would like to share with you this book of Jesus Christ
Hello my name is Elder Young
Did you know that Jesus lived here in the USA
You can read all about it now
In this nifty book it's free no you don't have to pay
Hello my name is Elder Smith
And can I leave this book with you for you to just Peruse
Hello Hello
I'll just leave it here
It has a lot of information you can really use
Hi my name is Jesus Christ
You have a lovely home
Hello it's an amazing book
Bonjour Ni hao
Hola me llamo Elder White
Are these your kids?
This book gives you the secret to eternal life
Sound good
Eternal life
Of Jesus Christ is super fun
Ding dong
And if you let us in we'll show you how it can be done
No thanks, oh well
You sure that's fine goodbye have fun in hell
Hey now you simply won't believe how much
This book will change
Your life your life your life this book will change
This book will change this book will change this book will change your life
This book will change your life
Hello would you like to change religions
I have a free book written by Jesus
No No Elder Cunnigham that's not how we do it
You're making things up again
Just stick to the approved dialogue
Elders show him
Hello my name is
Elder Cunningham
An' we would like to share with you this book of Jesus Christ
Hello ding dong
Hello heigh ho just take this book it's free for me
For you you see
You simply won't believe how much
This book will change your
Hello book will change this book
Will change your life so you won't burn in
Hell-o hello hello hello oh hello hello you're gonna die someday
But if you read this book you'll
Hello hello hello hello see that there's another way hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
Spend eternity with friends and family
Hello hello hello
Hello hello hello
We can fully guarantee you that
This book will change your life hello
This book will change your life hello
This book will change your life this book will change your life
The book of Mormon

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